Emergency Reponse
A serious safety event demands a timely, thorough, and effective responsive by your organization. An event of this nature can impart significant financial pressures on your organization, along with damaging negative public relations outcomes. SOS can assist you in event response planning so that minimum disruption to normal operations will occur, with careful attention to financial expenditures. We will also help your organization address potential negative public relations issues. After the initial response phase, our experts will assist you in the crucial interactions with regulatory and investigative agencies, such as the FAA and NTSB.
Ineffective strategies and actions in the complex environment of safety event response present the potential for extensive damage to your organization. With assistance from SOS, your organization will be able to minimize, if not eliminate, costly financial and public relations outcomes.
Crisis Management
Preparation for an incident or accident is essential. Our experts in crisis management will prepare your operation to avoid the common mistakes made during the critical 36 hour post-event period. Experience has shown that operators with an effective and efficient emergency response plan fare much better than firms who are not prepared for an accident.
When an event occurs, the need for planning will be immediate and essential. Don’t wait until an event has already occurred, let SOS assist your organization.
In addition to Emergency Response and Crisis Management planning, we offer the following additional services below to ensure your operations are fully prepared.

Investigation Training
Are you prepared to handle an accident or incident? Is your Go Team trained? If your have experienced an accident or incident, you know that conducting a thorough investigation is crucial to improving operations and preventing future safety events. Having a well-trained staff is of vital importance. SOS can conduct accident investigation training, Go Team training, and bloodborne pathogen training for your Team.
Safety Operating Systems regularly provides expert training to firms so they can investigate safety events properly. Trained investigators can help firms understand and prevent incidents as well as compile information that will be essential to proactive emergency response and accident representation.
Working with SOS, your will have advanced investigation procedures that will improve incident and accident response.
Accident Representation
In case of an accident, you will experience pressure from passengers and families, employees, unions, insurance companies, the media, governmental regulatory organizations, and investigation agencies. A well designed response will provide the resources and procedures to counter these influences as well as ensure operational continuity. SOS can provide representation to your operation to assist in mitigating these groups.
Crisis Communication
Organizations facing the crisis of an incident or accident face the additional challenge of media scrutiny. How to respond to such events requires experience, planning and precise execution. SOS has over three decades of experience dealing with print, electronic and social media during aircraft incidents or accidents. Additionally, SOS clients have used this expertise to prepare the critical initial statements in advance.
Knowing what can be said to the media and what is the sole purview of the investigative authority can make all the difference. Following an incident how an organization communicates with the media can make a major difference. Having the right experience on hand can make a difficult time much better.